Home Solutions Pharmacy
Manage your collections from retailers and record banking transactions.
Generate, dispatch and manage loadsheets,like never before.
Automate Your Inventory and Order Managment Process and Make Informed Business Decisions in Real Time
Effortless conversion of sales order to invoicing. Managing invoices was never easier!
Spend Less Time Running Payroll and Focus on Growing Your Business.
Introducing Due Reminders. Never forget any payable or recivables, ever again. Due remembers everything you need so you don't have to..
Manage your schemes and discount offers like never before.
Streamline your procure-to-pay process by automating key transactions and providing approval workflow to support internal compliance requirements.
GIBS is fully automated suite which files your GST automactically in a click and automates E-Way Billing Process.
We strive hard to give you the user experience you need. Customize your Business Solution for your needs instantly.
With our state of the art Business Analytics get to know your businesses inside out, and what it requires to grow.
Simple and easy user experience enables anyone to use it hassle-free with no training needed.
Leave no corner of your businesses untouched, know each and every aspect of your businesses inside out.
Get live reports of your businesses 24*7 with our best and most powerfull analytics tools.
With our private and best in class secured servers so you can access your businesses Any-where,time,device.
Use Business intelligence that scales and has Competitive Advantage with Real Time insights using powerful BI engine.
Take control of your cash flow with real-time reports and dashboards.Run your business from anywhere, at anytime,with anydevice
Manage your inventory and view stock report from all Warehouses. You can also add your expenses with a digital copy of invoice , purchase receipt or salary slip. This also enables you to get a GST report.
Track and monitor salesmen in Real Time.Take orders and receive payments even in offline mode,using automated sync facility.View all finacial transactions, orders, invoices and today's price.
Track and manage your inventory with ease in loading and unloading stock.Easily manage returns for orders.
We've got what you need! Ready to start your next project with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!